"It is a truism that the practice of medicine is not a purely scientific endeavor. While scientific considerations play their role at all times, the physician is an economic unit competing with other economic units, and it also cannot be denied that economic pressures of various kinds must influence the practice of medicine.
Thus, while medical practice is affected by medical theory, medical practice is in turn affected by the economics of medical practice, and to a far greater extent than is commonly realized." - Harris Coulter
We expect our accountants to be honest, and to do good work; we also expect to have to pay them and understand that they are competing in the marketplace for our business, rather than tallying our finances out of benevolence of spirit.
How is it that the medical profession has effectively divorced itself, in the public eye, from this equation? There is nothing wrong with making a living; indeed, it is the mechanism of compensation that generates an abundance of offerings in the marketplace.
But it is wrong to pretend that ones work is somehow outside of such rubrics, and that to challenge medical doctors on the extent to which their actions and advocacy are driven by pecuniary and psychic self-interest is unseemly.
In my talk linked below, I give a brief overview of the important work of Harris Coulter on the history of the medical profession; I hope you enjoy it!
Click HERE for your FREE Embark on Healing call, if you’d like to learn more about my Navigating Your Healing Journey shamanic coaching program of homeopathy-driven healing, growth, and self-discovery, and how you can gain greater access to your intuition and true path. I am offering you the Irresistible Invitation to Surrender. Will you accept it?
The link to the speech ...
Awesome talk. I've kind of shared some of what I have learned from you over the years with my husband but this talk was fantastic. We share an office so I just happened to play it while he was working on something and he was so gripped by your talk that even after he got up from the office, needed out, he stood in the hall outside the office, leaning against the doorframe to listen to the rest before taking his evening shower. I think on some intellectual level he got it. Now, obviously, if it doesn't ultimately translate to the emotional level ( repeatedly seeing the results, seeing is believing), he will still want to ask me for a one to one answer to a health dilemma, I think this is one of those windows that open that after enough time, helps him see something in a new way. Thank you!